The children in Room one would like to have another wheels day at school.
In the stormy weather I covered my ears then I looked outside and told mum that the garage door was almost in the shed. Boom! Boom! I went back to bed and covered my ears again and it did not work. The storm wasn’t as good but it wasn’t that bad. We had a power cut and then the power turned back on and I laughed at myself. Alex
A lucky escape
One day the storm came. At first it was spitting but it got even worse. Smash! Bash! Crash! I was scared but I kept on riding my bike along the track. Suddenly I came to a halt. What was this? A fallen down tree. Then neowwww! Crack! Bang! Another tree fell down and it snapped right in front of me. Luckily no one was hurt! Gabriel
The big storm
It all started when it was spitting and then one minute later it started to pour down. We could not see anything. When the wind was whistling it was like a door creaking.
The beer bottle blew up and up then when it fell down it shattered like an egg. Glass was everywhere. We had to wear gumboots or shoes out there. I did not take one step out there. It was scary. The lightning was yellow like the sun. Cuban
Scary Strong Storm
In the morning, me and my dad went outside to go and chop a tree down because it was just about to fall on our house. So we did go outside. I opened up the door. The wind went whoosh! Everything was blowing around like a tornado. When I walked down the steps my mouth opened up wide. I quickly ran back up the steps. Kane
The Ferocious Storm
Boom! Crash! “What was that?” I asked mummy. “That was the wind.” she said. I was watching T.V. at that moment. Then we had a power cut and we couldn’t watch T.V and daddy couldn’t do his work on the computer. An hour later I looked out the window and saw the neighbours’ paddock was flooded. Nikita
The Stormy Day
It was a stormy day for the houses in the stormy shivering day. There was a flood over next door. My dad went to work. The power went off. We couldn’t watch television. The trees cracked. Dad got home before the storm got stronger. He brought pies to eat. The wind was howling and growling and howling. Then the power came on. We were really, really happy. The storm was gone. In the night it came back. Our trees were nearly gone. In the morning trees fell down. It was awful. Then the water went away. The storm went away for a couple of days. Casey
As part of our language focus we have been looking at nouns, adjectives and verbs. We wrote some random lists of adjectives and nouns(clothing and animals) then put them together to make some pretty crazy curses! We had lots of laughs!
May your undies be eaten by a red cat!
May your pants be tickled by a blue bunny!
Sarah M and Mererau
May your socks be tickled by a ginormous rabbit!
May your t-shirt be fried by a fat tiger!
Tahlia and Casey
May your belts be flattened by a hairy cockroach!
May your shoes be twisted by a blue elephant!
Nikita and Nakisha
May your shorts be fried by a yellow kiwi!
May your pants be drunk by an orange dog!
Sarah W and Ryan
May your t-shirt be eaten by a blue cow!
May your hat be nibbled by a purple bee!
May your boxers be drunk by a green rat!
May your singlet be flattened by a cool frog!
Arlo and Taine-Lee
May your singlet be poked by an old kiwi!
May your shirts be fried by a fat cat!
Cuban and Patuawa
I had a ride on the combine harvester and dad and Zoe came too. It chops the green grass. It was very loud. It had special blades. Ryan
I went to Chipmunks with Xanthe because it was her birthday. Nakisha
On Sunday I went to the pumpkin competition. I looked at the giant pumpkins. My pumpkin was the biggest pumpkin in the competition. When it was judging , I got first prize. I had to stand on the potting mix for stands. My prize was a bike. After the competition we went to the bike shop. I'm getting a pinky purply bike with 21 gears. I had to get such a big bike because I grow fast, well, that's what my mum says. Sarah W
I saw my cat on the roof. Dad pushed my cat off the roof and I caught it. The cat was stripy and had an orange tail. My cat was scared. Dad put my cat on the roof again and it fell into a tree. Alex
I slept at
My birthday is on Sunday and I will tell you what I want for my birthday. A new monster truck!
We went to an oyster farm. We picked some oysters for Grandad. Grandad told me to try an oyster and it tasted like blood and sea water.
The next day after lunch Grandad asked me and Christina if we wanted to go on the boat. I saw shiny fish in the blue water. Grandad was doing wheelies and sharp corners and I nearly puked. It was bumpy when I stood up so I fell back down.
Jingles, the black
In the morning Grandad told us to come in their room. Grandad was holding up two big Easter eggs with chocolate buttons in them! I put mine in the fridge and when Nana came out of bed Nana gave us more easter eggs! It was yum. Sarah M
I went to Bream bay College Gala Day. There was a volcano bouncy castle and there was a lucky dip and there was medium dodgem cars. There were some girls dancing. - Eruera
I went to my dad's rugby to watch him play on the field. I was hungry for food so I went with my pop to his home. I saw my nan. She gave me a hug and a kiss. - Mererau